About Me

Hi I am Jeevankur Talukdar (JvanK), currently a software R&D engineer. I graduated from the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, IIT Kharagpur. As childhood tinkerer and a curious learner, I have always loved questioning, learning and playing with machines. Being born in a place and time where hands-on-learning is given very little importance, I was easily a fall-out from the system. Doing good at school surely saved me from being questioned for roaming around junkyards and repair shops to build my own ideas instead of sitting at school.

Hobby projects aside, I got to learn a lot during my undergraduate studies at IIT Kharagpur. While exploring the various fields of work, I found myself driven towards computers and robots. Learning more about them, I got the opportunity to contribute to several projects and organisations.

My work majorly focuses on applications of AI and Robotics. But I also take a deep interest in graphics and interaction. Over the years I have tried my hands on several thecnologies, and acquired industry level skills. Serving as the Head of Computer Graphics Lab (CGL, the computer graphics students group of IIT KGP) and a member of Robotix ( Robotics society of IIT KGP ), I have worked on several projects and softwares, conducted massive events and mentored a lot of juniors.

Apart from being all technical, I love to travel, make new friends, learn new cultures and observe nature. I remember spending hours playing with farm animals as a kid. Other than that I am into music and write my own songs. Any intense sport activity like mountain biking, skateboarding, swimming or just sprinting gets my spirits high.

The journey so far has been really exciting for me and I can’t wait to experience the next chapter.

More information about my skills and experience can be found in my curriculum vitae.